Kamis, 05 Juli 2012


Moch. Hanif


1.1. Background of the Study

In book, Aspects of The Novel, M. Abel Chevalley (1955:5-6) states that novel is the long prose which is over 50.000 words. It is so formidable, because it will give many opportunities to the author to express the idea clearly. Furthermore, as one of the literary function, novel can also be used to portray the real life by undergoing the creative process.  

On other hand, there have been many outstanding authors of novels having created their great works. One of them is John Steinbeck, an American novelist, short story author, and war correspondent. He accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962. He wrote twenty seven books, including sixteen novels, six nonfiction books and five collections of the short stories. His some works are Tortilla Flat (1935), The Grapes of Wrath (1939), East of Eden (1952), and novella Of Mice and Men (1937). Peter B. High (1986:163) states that Steinbeck combines a naturalistic way of looking at things with a deep sympathy for people and human condition. It can be noticed in his many works telling about the fear, hunger, sex, and evil capitalism occurred at the time.

Furthermore, in this writing one of John Stein Beck’s works, Tortilla Flat (1935), will be analyzed. It is chosen as source of data because it was very popular at the time. It is because the novel portrays the real life of American that is when America faces the depression era or the economic collapse. Furthermore, the great sympathy and humor a group of Paisano is also creatively told. Moreover, the life of evil and unemployed characters living in a simple house has made the story very attractive to analyze.

In addition, this novel will be analyzed by using mimesis theory. Furthermore, there are two different opinions about mimesis theory; those are the opinion of Plato and Aristotle. In Budi Darma’s book Pengantar Teori Sastra (2004: 42) based on Plato, the art, included literary work, is only the imitation of the real life. The artist is regarded that he can catch the whole reality and imitate it in the art, but truly the artist only has the idea of the reality. However, based on Aristotle, the art is the imitation of the real life which is created by undergoing the creative process. Mostly the theorist agree with the concept of Aristotle because there will be some imaginative characters or events depicted in the literary work. Therefore, based on the above explanation, mimesis theory created by Aristotle is the suitable tool to analyze this novel telling about the American depression reflecting the real circumstance happened in United Stated in 1930’s. It is because the hunger, poverty, the homeless people and crime which occur in the depression era are reflected in the novel. Donald A. Ritches in his book Heritage of Freedom (1985:649) reveals that in the 1930’s the depression had been worldwide, and consequently the bank failures, business collapse, and high unemployment spread through the United States, Europe, and Asia.


2.1 Mimesis
In the book of Ratna, Teori, Metode dan Tehnik Penelitian Sastra, Abram (2004,69-71) states that mimesis is the old theory introduced by Plato and Aristotle, the pupil of Plato. Plato states that the literature is the imitation of the real life. He does not recognize any creativity used in creating the art being only the usual imitation of the real life which can also be called as the record of the history. Whereas Aristotle states that art tries to creates its own world by imitating the real life and undergoing the creative process. In the glance both opinions look a like, but truly they are different. Somehow, Aristotle still recognizes the existence of creativily process used by the author. There will be the imaginative characters, actions, and events possibly reflecting the reality. In addition those story elements will be manipulated using the particular writing style of the author, so the story will look as the real life which the reader as if as can really witness the life described in the story.
Posts and Pasts a Theory of Postcolonialism, Alferd j. Lopez (2001: 209) states that the literature can give the sense of the unreal called as the imaginative dream reality or realistic literature, because literature may tell about the real life which sometime uses the paradoxical basis of both the limited adaption and relative marginalization. Paradoxical basis means that the literary work must be different from the real life because there will be the imaginative character, event and so on. However, based on the mimetic theory the literary work may imitate or portray the real life which there will be limitation and the differences between them caused by the creativity of the author.   

Stuart Hirschberg (2004:72) states that studying the historical context in the written text means that the feature of the work telling about the historical, political, economic, social, intellectual, or religious currents and problems at the time must be analyzed. Furthermore, the example of real life representation described in the literary work can be noticed in Anna Kareninna, the novel describes the bad marriage and dishonest caused by the glamorous life of Russian Bourgeouis in 19th century. The novel is used as the reflection of real life and the critic to the capitalism in Russia. In addition, in his book, Beyond Dichotomies: Histories, Identities, Cultures, and the Challenge of Globalization, Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boy (2002:248) reveals that the literary work portraying the real life can be noticed in Wright’s Black Power telling about the African personality at the time.

2.2 The Depression of American Economic Life In 1930s
In the book America In The Twentieth Century, Frank Freidel (1976:241) states that the great depression that occurred in America was the worst and longest economic collapse in the history. There were ten million people, twenty percent of the work force, remained unemployed. It had happened since 1929. In the beginning of economic terrible collapse, depression spread into the most of modern countries. Therefore, in the 20th century, many countries were dependent one another. In addition, the economic collapse was caused by some factors; those are prosperity decade, and the belief about high stock price.

Basically the stock market crash of October 1929 was not the cause of the great depression. Even though both are closely related, but truly those are the result of the prosperity decade in 1920. American getting success in economy and production then changed their life style. The culture of rural America was even challenged by the existence of Jazz Age being very popular in the city. In addition American started wasting money as the behavior of young women. Being realized about the self-centered attitudes of American, modern industries increased their goods in the quantity, and consequently the life style of American became much more glamour. In addition that is the under laying economic problem. The output of American per person-increased by 32 percent, but workers’ wages grew only 8 percent. The corporate profit increased by 65 percent. Therefore consumers then used credit, but finally in the assembly lines they could not pay the debt, that day was in 1929.

In the international problem, after World War I the United States became the world’s chief creditor, because European countries struggled to pay war debts and reparations. Being not ready with the new role, Many American Bankers lent heavily and unwisely to borrowers in Europe. Believing that stock prices would continue to rise, in 1927 till 1929 many investors bought the share by borrowing much money to the bank. Unfortunately in 1929, the economy in America quickly broke and investors could not pay the debt, consequently many bank got bankrupt.

Psychologically and physically the great depression gave bad impacts to the life of American. Physically they not only lacked adequate food, shelter, and clothing but they also felt that they were to blame for the desperate state. Many people did not have enough food to eat. Some people tried to find the food in the garbage. Therefore, the amount of malnutrition increased quickly.   

The impact of great depression was also obviously felt by the children who must have earned money when their parents could not. Many children must face their despairing parents getting their lost-self reliance. Furthermore, in 1936 President and Mrs. Roosevelt had ever got the letter from a 12-year-old boy. In the letter, he told them that he often cried because he could not found any job to help his parents.

In the book, Heritage of freedom, History Of The United States, Donald A. Ritchie (1985:649) states that In the 1930s the business collapse also occurs in many countries in Europe. However, the terrible circumstance occurred created the sense of nationality. It is because many people made the partnership to solve their economic problem.

In addition the condition of black American were worse than white, they were usually last hired and first fired. By 1932 approximately fifty percent of black workers were unemployment. They were often forced out of job or the unemployed white.

The psychological impact was also damaging. Many people faced the life despondently. The great depression was also described by the self blame and self doubt having been the epidemic. The psychological trauma of the great depression to the men was greater than women. It is because the society expected a man to provide for his family, fortunately getting job was the difficult thing at the time. Freidel (1976:264) reveals that in 1930s, for the first time, many women were brought into the business and other profession. Some fields that were occupied by the women are social-service jobs, clerical, and teaching that actually appeared during the new deal.

Donald A. Ritchie (1985:644) states that during the depression era, there was the popular culture that is the existence of literary works telling about the poverty and human suffering. Such themes were often used to express how the American extremely got the misery of life. Moreover, many people got salvation and the homeless.  The examples of  writers telling about the human suffering in the depression era are John Doss Passos and John Steinbeck. Passos writes three novels, those are The 42nd Parallel, 1919, and The Big Money. Whereas John Steinbeck’s works is the Grapes Of Wrath which is known as the most powerful novel of the era. 


a. Poverty Of Danny, Pablo, Pilon, Big Joe Potagee, Jesus Maria, Pirate, and Senora Teresina Cortez

The failure of American to ménage the economy creates the tragic result, many people lost their job, and consequently the poverty spread widely in the United States. The lives of American are really dependent upon one another. Such a condition is also reflected in the novel when Danny, an heir of two houses, will borrow a bucket of water to Mrs. Morales, his neighbor, because he and his friend, Pilon, do not have any money to pay the company to turn on the water.   
“Three dollars,” Pilon said severely,” is three gallons of wine. And when that is gone, we will borrow a bucket of water from Mrs. Morales, next door.” (p.17)

After knowing that he is an heir of two houses, Danny invites Pilon to see his houses. However after arriving in his house, Danny finds no water. Realizing about the importance of water, Danny then goes to company in Monterey to have the water turn on. Unfortunately after coming from the company, he goes back to his house to share his new problem to Pilon and tell that the company will turn on the water if they would like to pay three dollars. Tragically both of them do not have any money to pay. If they had money, they would prefer to buy a wine than water. People like Danny and Pilon are impossible to have money, because they do not have any job. There must be the question how they can live without having any job. They can live in the such a condition by borrowing, stealing,s or asking everything they need to someone. Even though, in the story Pilon will get the job, but it is for the temporary, because Pilon is really not the discipline one. Therefore, to solve the problem of water in his house, Danny decides to borrow the water to his neighbor, Mrs. Moralles. He will even borrow the wine also if he needs.   

The life of American in the great depression era is really ironic; the lack of economy has made the great change of the life. Having no job and money, Americans often need one another. The relation of mutual assistance is also described in the novel, it is not about the food, but in this case Pirate not having any good cloth is helped by his friends. Following is the utterance telling about Danny and his friends that will lend the clothes for Pirate having no good clothes to go to the church.  
“We will have to lend him clothes,” said Jesus Maria.” I have a coat and vest. Pilon has his father’s good hat. You, Danny, have a shirt and Gig Joe has those fine blue pants.” (p.95)

Among people living in the house of Danny, Pirate is the different one. He has the job, he always saves his money. The motivation of Pirate in getting the job is caused by his responsibility to feed his five dogs and the promise to buy the gold candle stick. He used to live with them. Having regarded them as his own friend or even family, he always eats what his dogs eat. The pirate who ever has the sick dog promises to himself that he will give the gold candle stick if it gets cure. Fortunately his hope really happens then he takes money saved under the bed of Danny. Buying the candle stick is not something difficult for Pirate, because he has saved money for sake of the candle stick. However, the problem appears when he will go to the church. 

Being aware about the ethic in attending the religious event in the church, Pirate should wear the appropriate clothes, but he just has the dirty and torn clothes. In the meantime, after knowing about his friend’s problem, Jesus Maria then leads his friends to lend their appropriate clothes to Pirate. Therefore, the problem is solved. Pirate then goes to the church by wearing Pilon’s Father’s hat rakishly, Danny’s shirt, Big Joe’s pants, the huge handkerchief around his neck, and at intervals, the flashing of the jeweled belt.   Although Danny and his friends are jobless, but they still have something valuable, but not everything they had is valuable, for the example Pilon. The valuable thing that Pilon has is only his father’s hat, it should be noticed 
that Pilon has the good hat because his father has given it. Whereas he himself only has the old-bad clothes. 

The poverty taken place in America several decades ago is in line with the destruction of economy, and consequently it is followed by the hunger suffered by American themselves. The bankrupt of factories and the lack of money are the real reason why the hunger and starvation occur at the time. However, there are also many people who still keep living by eating the potluck. This condition is also reflected in the novel which tells about the life of poor single parent, Senora Teresina Cortez, having nine children.    
“Her psychology deserted her “Do you mean to stand there and tell me you eat nothing but tortilla and beans?” (p.103)

Senora lives with her nine children and her ancient mother in a pleasant cottage on the edge of the deep gulch that defines the southern frontier of Tortilla flat. Being nearly thirty years old, she is a good figure of a mature woman. To be the single parent having nine children really needs struggle, patience and sacrifice. All her husband left her, she will even never know who will be her next husband. In addition, she must be sincere to eat the potluck, so must her children. Furthermore, the hard economic life must be extremely faced when her some children begin studying in the school, Alfaredo enters his third year in the first grade, Ernie his second, and Panchito goes to school for the first time. The ironic life of Senora is really uncovered when there is visiting nurse to train the child psychology in Alfaredo’s school. In one day, Alfaredo is called by the principal’s officer, he gets some interview there, accordingly the nurse is really shocked after knowing that Alfaredo, the son of Senora, eats nothing but tortilla and beans.

The dependent life is really owned by the American at the time, not only black people but also the white one. However, such a condition sometime make those different races can integrate. Especially the poor American, they even did everything to survive the life. The strange ideas are even used to get the thing they need. This circumstance is reflected in the novel when the characters are hoping the presence of miracle food everyday. Pilon, the character that always strives to give the idea in each problem suggests his friend to get the food by throwing the rock to the fishermen.
“When the boats come near, we will call nets, we will throw rocks. How can those fishermen get back at us? And they throw oars, or nets? No. They can only throw mackerel.”(p.118)

As usual, in the after noon Danny and his housemates spends the time by sharing the stories that they know. Those stories have given enough entertainment to everyone. However, telling the story expressively and listening them carefully have really made them thirsty and hungry. In while they have no money, after knowing such condition, Pilon tells the friends about his experience in solving such a problem. When Pilon is still a child, he lives by the rail road. Everyday he and his mother always throw the rock to the engine of the train when it goes by. The firemen then throw the coal at them because there is no rock on the train. Accordingly Pilon startes making the conclusion that if someone throw the rock to the train, the firemen would throw the coal to him, but if someone threw the rock to fishermen, the fishermen must throw the mackerel to him, because no rock and no coal on the boat. Hence, Danny, as the host, immediately suggests the friends to get the rock, it is hoped that the way of Pilon can run well.      

Sometime the friendship relation is much closer than the family relation. Someone used to share everything with anyone else. Then they can be more comfortable when someone starts feeling that he has found his mutual friend. It is supposed that they can help and accompany ones another in each condition. However, the tragic condition is gotten by Danny and his housemates. Danny passes away after falling down into the deep cliff behind the house, but the friends can not attend his funeral and see him closer for the last, because they have no appropriate clothes to wear in the sacred ceremony.  
“If anyone else had died, they could have borrowed clothes; but there was no person in Tortilla Flat who was not going to wear his good clothes to the funeral.”(p.140)

The Party created by the friends of Danny tragically ends. Danny being drunk falls into the cliff and dies. The sadness of the friends is not only caused by the death of Danny. Other problem then appears when they will go to military funeral of Danny at ten to eleven on Friday. The problem is that they can not attend the funeral of Danny because no suit for funeral. Every one has known that someone has to attend it in the appropriate suit. Meanwhile, the Salvation Army only gives the fourteen dresses, but no suit. They can not borrow the suit to anyone because everyone that will wear their good clothes in the funeral. Furthermore, they can not steal the suits, they can only see their best friend for the far distance. Such an ironic thing certainly will never occur if they were not been under poverty line, so they would have money to buy the suit of funeral and see Danny much closer for the last time. 

The existence of jobless and homeless one is not the strange thing in depression era in America. There are people who prefer to live alone than together, on the contrary the other Americans are reluctant to be alone, because they need someone for sharing. That condition is also faced by Pilon who starts worrying about his next life after knowing that Danny has been an heir of two houses. He worries to be alone if Danny will live in his own house and leave him alone. 
“So you think now,” said Pilon coldly. ”But when you have two houses to sleep in, then you will see. Pilon will be a poor paisano, while you eat with the mayor.’(p.15)

Pilon and Danny have been the good friends for long times, it is even before the World War 1 occurs. They use to spend the life by consuming the liquor and smoking the cigarette together. Living without house is the comfortable thing for them, because they can get and express the freedom as they wants. However, the fate changes the life of Danny. His grand father, the owner of two houses in Tortilla flat, passes away. He is then chosen as the heir. It really surprises Pilon, because his friend has two houses, so must get ready to be left alone. It really shows that poor Pilon truly also needs some changes, he also wants the house to raise his degree among the society, he does not want to be the homless anymore, , so he can sleep on the warm bed till morning. After knowing the worry of Pilon, Danny then asks him to live together, he even allows Pilon to rent his other house.

The case of homeless in 1930s in American is reflected again in the novel. Pilon then rents the smaller house of Danny for fifteen dollars each month. However, talking about money is the problem of the jobless like Pilon, he himself does not know whether he will pay it or not, because he has known that he has never earned money after his year in Army. Somehow, Pilon still tries to find the solution of the matter, and consequently he invites Pablo, his other friend, to rent the house also.        
“Pablo” he said, ”doust thou never get tired of sleeping in ditches, wet and homeless, friendless and alone?’(p.24)

It should be noticed that Pilon is the character that always strived to find the way out in each case, but his friends sometime agrees it without consider I further whether it is good or not. After knowing his lack of money, Pilon invites his homeless friend to rent the house. At the time Pablo is sitting in the ditch of the road wishing he has cigarette and a glass of wine. Bringing two fruit jars of wine, Pilon invites him to his house. Over there gently he offered Pablo to rent the house by telling how uncomfortable to live without any house to stay in. Firstly Pablo expresses his enjoyment as the homeless one having been familiar with the wild life, but he does not refuse to rent the house and accepts to pay fifteen dollar per month.

The homeless one is not something taboo in the depression era, In the glance perhaps some one will regard it as the worst circumstance that have ever happened in the life. However, for someone having faced it for long time, it is not a case, they may think that it is enjoyable enough. It occurs because they have been familiar to face such a condition. It is reflected in the novel when Pilon and Pablo saw Jesus Maria under the bush.   
“Pilon, staring downward in his sorrow and resentment, saw a human arm sticking out from under a bush. And then, beside the arm, a half-full gallon bottle of wine.”(p.29)

Only having a half-full gallon bottle of wine is not a matter for Jesus Maria, Without worrying where he is laying, Jesus Maria has a nice sleeping till Pilon and Pablo find him on the dirty place, on the bush. He feels the same as Pablo did. He enjoys living without any house to stay in. He then tells Pablo and Pilon that last night he just lost his girl friend, Arabella, because some soldiers have grabbed her. Pilon who knows that Jesus Maria still has money immediately does something useful. He knows that he can earn money of Jesus if Jesus is with him. Thus, he starts to persuade Jesus to live with him and rent the house. Then the agreement is gotten, Jesus Maria accepts the offer of Pilon, he would like to pay fifteen dollars per month to rent the house.   

The misery and poverty that occurred in depression are especially in United State had really made people strive to find the friend or someone else for helping. Again and again this case is reflected in the novel when the Joe Portage, the homeless one, is just free from the jail.
“He would like to go into the pit again, but he had no money and no wine. He combed the streets for his old friends, Pilon and Danny and Pablo, and could not find them.”(p.58)

He is the criminal having no money and relatives. In his mind, he only has his old friends, Danny and Pilon, having been known before going for World War I. Joe Portage really has very evil manner. He has never though that there is the nice place except the jail. Because he can meet many different-new friends and he does not have to go for job to get food. As the human being, he also wants to get the different life style. Accordingly, some day he really wants to get the wine and met the old friends, so he decides to start searching. In finding his old friends, Joe Portage crosses the long street and comes in the police office to find them. It really shows that Joe is the poor one having nothing. Therefore, he has no choice beside doing the crime and finding help of the friends.

b. Crime of Robbing, Liquor Consuming, and Fighting

The great depression era that happens in America causes not only the poverty, hunger, and starvation but also the rise of crime, especially the thief. Having no money to buy the food, American tends to steal to get the food. Such a circumstance makes the condition worse. These cases are reflected in the novel, one of them is when Pilon tells Danny about their friend, Pablo, who is jailed for stealing the goose.   
“In jail,” said Pilon. “Pablo stole a goose and hid in the brush; and that goose bit Pablo cried out and so was caught. Now he lies in jail for six months.”(p.14)

While Danny is running away from the jail, on the midway he meets Pilon bringing a bottle of brandy under the coat. A bottle of brandy is something so valuable in the last time, because in the depression era liquor consuming becomes one of the comfortable ways to spend the time. When they started drinking, they also talked about everything in their mind included his old friend, Pablo, having been jail for stealing the goose. It is told that Pablo is not the lucky one, because he is bitten by the goose that he steals. Therefore, he cries out, and consequently he is caught and jailed for six months. The crime conducted by Pablo is extremely caused by the poverty he suffers. Such condition the often occurs through story because it is one of the usual way to survive the life.

The negative effects of Depression era have extremely influenced the life style of American. The belief stating that the lucky was just for some one having been born to be the lucky and happy one, and consequently Americans use to be lazy and live without making the efforts to change the life. In addition, Some Americans are even reluctant to live with any responsibility that curbs their life. It is also shown by Danny, the main character, in the novel. He feels so burdened having the responsibility as the owner of two houses, so he does various evil things to forget his responsibility.
“.And while that gullible man was wrapping up the food, Danny stole two slices of ham, four eggs, a lamb chop and a fly swatter.”(p.12)

The Viejo, grandfather of Danny, passes away, he then inherits his two houses taken place in Tortilla flat to Danny. On the contrary, Danny having been familier to be the homeless man feels so under pressure. He gets stressed after knowing the information. Danny thinks that he can not break someone’s window anymore when he is drunk, because he has had his own window. Before going to see his houses, Danny drinks a gallon of red to get relax. Then the weight of responsibility leaves him. However, he can not control himself. He shouts and breaks a few chairs in a poolroom on Alvarado, then a fighting occurs. He even goes to the beach to menace and insult the fishermen. Danny not having been satisfied yet goes to the Alvarado Street and makes the chaos over there till he is captured and jailed for thirty days. However, his evil actions go on, after running away from the jail, Danny goes to the back door of a restaurant. Over there, he asks to the cook old bread for his dog. Then the cook gives it to him free because if none asked it, it would be thrown. But when the cook is busy in wrapping the food, Danny does not waste the time and immediately steals two slices of ham, four eggs, a lamb chop and a fly swatter. That is one of the ways of Danny to survive the life.      
It has been stated before about the raise of crime especially the thief that occurs in Depression era. Following utterance shows that the thief often occurs in novel as in the depression era. Pilon, the jobless one, accompanying Danny to see the house steals the rooster of Mrs. Morales.    
“At last it disappeared into the pine forest, and Pilon sauntered after it.”(p.18)

Danny finally decides to see his two houses and he goes there with Pilon. In the meantime, he also asks Pilon to live with him. Checking out two houses has made them tired and hungry. Therefore, Danny asks Pilon to prepare the dinner and he himself will collect little wood. The command of Danny sometime makes Pilon under pressure, he even feels unfair because Danny has given him the command after drinking his brandy. However, he still respects Danny who has allowed him to live in his house. Pilon starts thinking how to get the food without any money. In the close time, Pilon gets the idea after seeing the rooster Mrs. Morales that runs ahead of him. Pilon being the sympathy of it though that the chicken’s life will drag along in misery if the automobile will run over it and just breaks the leg or wing of rooster. So he decides to kill it by catching it and disappearing into the pine forest. By using his smart technique, his idea can be run soon without any one noticing it. His way in getting success to kill the rooster is not bringing the feather, head, or feet home. For, without these a chicken can not be identified. Pilon basically does such an evil thing to finish the duty given by Danny. Furthermore, he does not know any other way to get the food except stealing.   
As in the reality, the economic destruction has created the rise of robbing. Such a crime is conducted by the man but also the woman. It is also told in the novel when one of the girl lured and brought by Pilon steals two cooking pots in Danny’s house. 
“The other girl stole two cooking pots and followed her.”(p.21)

In one night, Pilon gets the miracle money. A man in front of the San Carlos hotel gives him the dollar and asks him to run and buy four bottles of ginger-ale. However, Pilon takes the dollar up the goes to give it to Danny, but on the way, he changes his mind and buys a gallon of wine to lure two plump girls into his house. Danny accidentally walking listens the noise from his house where Pilon stayed in. Then he comes in and helps Pilon to dispose not only the wine but also one of the girls. In the close time, the bad habit of Danny appeared. Danny could not control himself when he was drunk. Accordingly he had the fighting with Pilon, he even butted one of the girl I the stomach. After seeing such a frightening situation those girls went out the door and one of them stole two cooking pots. This condition often occurred in the novel, some one will not waste the time to take any advantage in every chance especially to unknown one.

Some one living in the great depression era does not mean that he does not have any thing to give at all, especially for the special one. Because of love, the spirit of life appears unexpectedly. However, love can also create the unpredictable problem. Somehow, that is not the matter since some one has the kind friends to share. The following utterance tells how Danny’s friends steale the sweeping machine of Dolores Engracia Ramirez to solve Danny’s problem about his admirer. It can be noticed as follows; 
“I will take the machine, and in return you can the lady a present of gallon of wine. She will never known where the sweeping machine has gone.”(p.78)

Dolores Engracia Ramirez is the girl living on the upper edge of Tortilla Flat and doing the housework for some ladies in Monterey. She has been given the sweeping machine by Danny, her admirer. However, that present createss unpredictable problem, Ramirez needs the electricity to switch on the machine, because without it, the machine will not work and it is just the useless tool. Danny really gets confused after being aware that problem, so Pilon offers the solution. Furthermore, after choosing the best way, Danny and his other friends agreed to steal the sweeping machine in the house of Ramirez. Those people used to solving the problem using the simple-quick way. In addition, they do not even get afraid at all for such a crime, because whatever their reason to steal the machine, they can be sent to the jail for the robbing. Pilon, the smartest one, becomes the leader of this action, where as Danny just wait them in his house.

The economic problem often becomes the reason to break the law and even the friendship. Moreover, if such a problem is gotten by someone, like Big Joe, that can not consider the case first whether his action is appropriate to do or not. The most important one for him is how he can get whatever he needs. However, Big Joe must also be ready to get the consequence of his own blame. Following utterance shows how Big Joe is attacked by his friends for his robbing.  
Then Big Joe squalled with fear. It is buried out by the front gate,” he cried. “For the love of Christ don’t kill me!”(p.93)

Big Joe is some one really having the bad manner; it is proven by his half life having been spent in the jail. He has been familiar with the various crimes that he does to fulfill his need. Moreover, living in the jail is the comfortable way to get many friends and more experience of crime. However, he has done the terrible mistake. Big Joe having been permitted to live in the house of Danny steals the Pirate’s money. It is noticed when Pirate does not find his money under the bad of Danny. Pirate, the only one among people in Danny’s house having the job, immediately gets confused and sad. Being the kind host, Danny makes the effort to know who has stolen the money of Pirate is. Without wasting the time, he and his friends accuse Big Joe as the thief, so as soon as possible they attack Big Joe bringing the gallon of wine. In the meantime, he is forced to tell where he hides the remains of   Pirate’s money.  Big Joe is extremely tortured, it is supposed to make him understand that although they are the thief but they must not steal anything in the house of Danny. It should be admitted that the friendship is really upheld among the thief in the house of Danny, and none can betray it.

The Conclusion
John Steinbeck’s Tortilla Flat reflects the real life. Because it tells about the depression of life as what occurs in America in 1930s. It can be noticed by the rise of poverty and crime told through the story.

B. High, Peter.1986. Anoutline of American Literature. New York: Longman.
Darma, Budi. 2004. Pengantar Teori Sastra. Jakarta: Pusat Bahasa.
Frank Burt, Freidel. 1976. America in the Twentith Century. United States of America: McCraw-Hill,inc.
Hirschberg, Stuart and Terry Hirsberg. 2004. Discovering the Many World of Literature. United States: Pearson Education,inc.
Ratna, Nyoman Kutha. 2008. Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
Ritchie, Donald A. 1985. Heritage of Freedom. United States of America: Macmillan Publishing Company.
Steinbeck, John. 1959. Tortilla Flat. New York. The New American Library

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